circuly Is Pro Circular Economy.

Why aren't our society's consumption habits circular too?

The earth 🌏  is running out of time, we need to act fast. ⚡️

So the problem is people buy, use, and dispose.

The retail industry is one of the most polluting industries and produces 260m tons of waste every year.

Illustration of integrations for a rental business

But circuly has a plan.

We empower companies to keep products longer in use by implementing a circular business model for physical products.

Illustration of integrations for a rental business

We want to empower change.

We envision to change the way we consume products. We need to have access to use products instead of owning them.

Illustration of starting a subscription in a rental business

And challenge traditional consumption.

Aiming for sustainability also means to understand the challenges of taking action again climate crisis in an unsustainable system.

Illustration of reverse logistics in a subscription business

We need you by our side.

Together we can challenge the status quo and disrupt consumption to bring sustainability into e-commerce.

Illustration of reverse logistics in a subscription business

To achieve our ambition together.

We are not going to stop until we enable every company to adapt a circular business model.

Illustration of reverse logistics in a subscription business

Download circuly's 2022 Impact Report.

In the report, we share insights on the impact driving the Circular Economy.

Download Now

So the problem is people buy, use and dispose.

Resources get wasted.

Since 2018 resource circularity even decreased. Only 7.2% in 2023 of business-wide materials are reclaimed for economic use.

Pollution gets worse

The majority of a products CO2 emissions are released during the production process.
"The truth is being wasteful is expensive."
Tech Subscription Company

But circuly has a plan.

Shift from a linear economy.

The limited resources of our planet are about to extinguish due to their extensive use in production of new products.

The spiral gets deeper, because new products need to be manufactured on and on and on ...

Shift to a circular economy.

It is important to give durable consumer goods a longer life cycle, use our planet's limited resources effectively and produce less waste.

circuly supports companies to move towards a circular economy - we make circularity easy.
Felix Raab
"When we were looking into the topic of sustainability, we were looking at many things, like the second-hand market, pre-owned, circular models etc. We were very quickly convinced that a rental model is perfect for our products."
Felix Raab
Business Innovation Lead

We want to empower change.

Encourage product life cycle extension.

circuly encourages organisations to offer their products on a subscription basis, enabling organisations to extend the product lifecycle and as a result minimise the use of resources required to produce new products.

Enable sustainable change at its core.

54% of businesses have not yet challenged their core business performance. circuly aims to distrupt this phenomenon and enable companies to leverage their untapped potential to tackle the climate crisis.

Empower access over ownership.

circuly tackles overconsumption by making product usership the new normal. The concept of access over ownership makes it possible to use products efficiently and encourages sustianable consumption.

And challenge traditional consumption.

"By taking ownership and responsibility of the product we can not only maintain the product but also learn from it, like what we need to change in design to make it fit for circularity and repairability."
Rolf Smeding
Director Of Business Development

We need you by our side.

Find out what you can do as an individual.

Act now

Find out what you can do as a business.

Learn more
Felix Raab
“If we didn’t have circuly we wouldn’t have started the rental project.”
Felix Raab
Business Innovation Lead

To achieve our ambitions together.

"We have been quite ambitious with our sustainability goals from the start. We started with making the products as durable as possible. Then we invested in CRS standards in our factory in China and then we added rentals in an effort to build a sustainable business model for Bugaboo."
Rolf Smeding
Director Of Business Development

Our Impact So Far.

To understand the progress we make, we what our software as well as our team enables.

> 154.000

Physical products that end customers subscribed to via circuly.

> 50.000

Active subscriptions handled and managed via circuly.

ø 3-4 months

To launch our customers' subscription business model.

-30% CO2

Savings enabled from products that did not need to be produced since circuly launch

ø 72 min per day

Had each team member more to spend e.g. with their families instead of commuting thanks to remote work.

4x Customer Base

Quadrupled the number of organisations that started a circular business model with circuly.

And, what is your impact for a circular future going to be?

Continue reading & get inspired.